Hugh, ML

  • Biography
  • Projects
  • Publications
Longitudinal Effects of a Motivationally Focused Strategy to Increase the Yield of Training and Consultation on Teachers’ Adoption and Fidelity of a Universal Program(2023)School Mental Health15 (1):105-122.
Teacher perceptions of implementation climate related to feasibility of implementing schoolwide positive behavior supports and interventions(2022)School Mental Health14 (4):1057-1069.
Exploring individual and organizational mechanisms of implementation of evidence-based practices for the inclusion of elementary students with autism: Study protocol(2021)International Journal of Educational Research108:
Dissemination and decision-making: Factors related to pre-service practitioners’ selection of practices for students with autism(2020)Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities55(3):332-347.
Professional development to support teachers’ implementation of intensive reading intervention: A systematic review(2020)Remedial and Special Education42(5):329-342.
Exploring engagement in shared reading activities between children with autism spectrum disorder and their caregivers(2018)Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities48:3596-3607.