Lee, K

  • Biography
  • Projects
  • Publications
Effectiveness of a Brief Engagement, Problem-Solving, and Triage Strategy for High School Students: Results of a Randomized Study(2023)Prevention Science24:701–714.
Rates of mental health service utilization by children and adolescents in schools and other common service settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis(2021)Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research48:420-439.
Using stakeholder input to guide cultural and contextual adaptations for a universal school-based intervention(2020)The Urban Review52:853-879.
Rates of mental health service utilization by children and adolescents in schools and other common service settings: A systematic review and meta analysis(2020)Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research48:430-439.
Brief teacher training improves student behavior and student–teacher relationships in middle school(2019)School Psychology34(2):212–221.
Understanding the organizational implementation context of schools: A qualitative study of school district administrators, principals, and teachers(2019)School Mental Health11:379-399.