Janine Jones, PhD

Professor, School Psychology
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, UW College of Education
(206) 616-6370
Box 353600 / Miller Hall 322S
  • Biography
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Janine Jones’, Ph.D., research focuses on providing culturally responsive school based interventions that address the socio-emotional health of students of color. Her work is framed around the belief that providing culturally responsive services and promoting resilience within the cultural context creates the path toward serving the “whole child.” Her current projects focus on culturally responsive interventions including the following areas: 1) cultivating resilience through ethnic identity, 2) nature-based education as cultural immersion, and 3) art-based mindfulness in schools.  All three projects investigate the impact of interventions on school engagement and sense of belonging in students of color. She also consults with school personnel on culturally responsive practices that enhance teacher/student relationships and reduce some of the barriers associated with intractable opportunity gaps for students of color in schools. Her ultimate goal is to bridge the gap between research and practice by developing culturally responsive and innovative approaches to emotional and behavioral intervention for all children. Dr. Jones is an Associate Professor and Director of the School Psychology program at the University of Washington, a Licensed Psychologist and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist.


Google Scholar College of Education Profile

This project will redesign an evidence-base psychosocial intervention, Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS), for use in the school context, using mixed qualitative and quantitative methods.
This project is evaluating the impact of art-based mindfulness on the learning experiences of chronically stressed children in schools. The team is exploring art-based mindfulness as a culturally responsive practice for socio-emotional learning for diverse youth in schools. The study is built on the premise that all children can benefit from mindful practices through visual, physical, and tactile sensory experiences. Using an iPad app called L.A.U.G.H. ® (Let Art Unleash Great Happiness) and AmbientArt® technology, students in a racially diverse school are engaged in art-based mindfulness in the classroom. Through participating in L.A.U.G.H. time, we are learning that chronically stressed students are better able to regulate their emotions, have increased compassion for themselves and others, feel more connected to school and have greater joy in the process of learning. These benefits occur not only for individual students but also the classroom environment and overall school culture.
Race and ethnicity in educational intervention research: A systematic review and recommendations for sampling, reporting, and analysis(2020)Educational Research Review31:100356.
Cultural Identity Matters: Engaging African American Girls in Middle School(2020)The Journal for Specialists in Group Work45(1):76–95.
Comparing communities: The cultural characteristics of ethnic social capital(2018)Education and Urban Society
Using sisterhood networks to cultivate ethnic identity and enhance school engagement(2018)Psychology in Schools55(1):20-35.
Culturally responsive adaptations in evidence-based treatment: The impact on client satisfaction(2017)Contemporary School Psychology21(3):211-222.
Culturally-responsive collective impact teams: An interdisciplinary vision for the future(2016)Handbook of Multicultural School Psychology: An interdisciplinary perspective2nd Ed, Mahwah, NJ : Erlbaum:
Culturally-Responsive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Making the case for integrating cultural factors in evidence-based treatment(2016)Clinical Case Studies
Culturally responsive interpersonal psychotherapy with children and adolescents(2015)Counseling and psychotherapy with children and adolescents: Theory and practice for school and clinical settings, 5th edHoboken, NJ: Wiley and sons:
Best practices in providing culturally responsive interventions(2015)Best Practices in School Psychology6th ed, Bethesda: National Association of School Psychologists:
Multicultural counseling competence training: Adding value with multicultural consultation(2015)Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation25:1-26.