SMART Center Research Publications
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(2021). What happens when training goes virtual? Adapting training and technical assistance for the school mental health workforce in response to COVID-19. School Mental Health, 13, 160-173, doi: Influences of inner and outer settings on Wraparound implementation outcomes.. Global Implementation and Applications, 1, 77-89, doi:
(2021). Systematic review and meta-analysis: Effectiveness of Wraparound care coordination for children and adolsecents.. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 60 (11), 1353-1366, doi:
(2021). Parent-mediated interventions for children with ASD in low-resource settings: A scoping review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 8 (3), 285-298
(2021). Comparing special education experiences among Spanish-and English-speaking parents of children with disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 33 (1), 117-135
(2021). Parent perceptions of the advocacy expectation in special education. Exceptional Children, 87 (4), 438-457
(2021). Are we on the Same Page: a DyadicAnalysis of Parental Stress, Support, and Family Quality of Life on Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 33 (4), 599-618
(2021). Children with autism spectrum disorders in low-resource settings: Reported experiences and needs of parents in Mongolia. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51 (10), 3586-3599
(2021). From individual to systemic advocacy: Parents as change agents. Exceptionality, 29 (3), 232-247
(2021). Protocol for a hybrid type 2 cluster randomized trial of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy and a pragmatic individual-level implementation strategy.. Implementation Science, 16 (1), doi:
(2021). Collaboratively maximizing the impact of human-centered design in psychological and implementation science: Reply to Proctor et al. (2021). American Psychological Association, 76 (7), doi:
(2021). Study protocol of a randomised trial of Summer STRIPES: A peer-delivered high school preparatory intervention for students with ADHD. BMJ Open, 11 (8), e045443, doi:
(2021). Examining the effects of a brief, group-based motivational implementation strategy on mechanisms of teacher behavior change. Prevention Science, 22, 722-736, doi:
(2021). 13 Designing Programs with an Eye Toward Scaling. The Scale-Up Effect in Early Childhood and Public Policy: Why Interventions Lose Impact at Scale and What We Can Do About It
(2021). Rates of mental health service utilization by children and adolescents in schools and other common service settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 48, 420-439, doi:
(2021). Exploring individual and organizational mechanisms of implementation of evidence-based practices for the inclusion of elementary students with autism: Study protocol. International Journal of Educational Research, 108, doi: